Monday, November 1, 2010

We Don't Need Another Hero

Yours truly has been quite busy. I've become the intrepid reporter. Mostly sampling high school football stadium snack bar cuisine. But it has given me more reason to be out and about during the day. After all you can never have too much vitamin D.

Well, actually you can. And it can cause all kinds of nasty symptoms. But it's pretty hard to drinking coffee with a fork. But I digress...

Just a couple of days ago I was out on Driveabout, which can be either:

a.) The Los Angeles equivalent of Walkabout.
b.) A clever way to say I got lost trying to get somewhere else.

You decide.

Regardless, I turned a corner and came upon this.

Thinking I had perhaps stumbled upon a secret entrance to Thunderdome, I googled it (and the strange spaceship looking building that calls itself Samitaur) shortly after I got home. Turns out, it's the Samitaur Tower and is going to be an integral feature to one of the stops on the Expo Line.  It's also an event board, art show and performance space all shaped like a stack of stainless steel overstuffed Oreos. 

Since my mad prattlings can't possibly equate to the creator's vision of the tower, I'll shut up and let you read all about it now. SPOILER ALERT: There's no Thunderdome.

Corner of Hayden Ave. & National Blvd.
Culver City

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